Pavegen's technology converts footsteps into electricity to power services in high-footfall locations and provide real-time data for analytics. Founded in 2009, the company has delivered over 100 projects, including Heathrow Airport and Harrods, across 30 countries generating a cumulative revenue of over £2.5 million. With a global distribution network in place and internationally granted patents, the next step is scale.

Backed by the ClearlySo Angel syndicate, Extremis designs and develops emergency shelters for the disaster relief market, which is estimated to be worth several billion dollars. Having already secured investment from the Low Carbon Innovation Fund, Extremis has developed a number of key partnerships including FMN international who specialise in distribution for commercial and humanitarian sectors and two charities, Shelterbox and Techo.

Using their local knowledge and experience, Cape Fisheries aim to establish a sustainable and profitable fishing community operation in the Western Cape region of South Africa. By uniting fully-stocked fishing vessels with experienced local fisherman, the vision is to create a scalable business which helps individuals become self-sufficient whilst also providing a healthy and scalable business model.

Backed by celebrity chef Michel Roux Jr, Neil Sanderson the MD of Florette (the UK's largest branded salad company) Glen Fernandes a Director of HSBC and Ed Gillespie the sustainability pioneer, the Growing Underground team have compiled a board capable of delivering expansion and growth. Their sustainable farm utilises redundant underground spaces to produce leafy greens, herbs and micro herbs using the latest LED and hydroponic technology.

Evogro make indoor plant growing systems for chefs – making it easy to grow perfect microgreens, salad leaves and herbs. Using hydroponics, horticultural LED lighting & video monitoring: Evogro cabinets are internet connected and are already used by Claridge’s and The Ritz amongst others. Evogro seek to conquer the professional catering market before expanding internationally and, in time, to consumers.

Alquity is a $100m high growth UK based Asset Management Company with a mission to deliver great returns through responsible, sustainable investment practice in emerging markets. Led by veteran fund managers, Alquity donate up to 25% of their fee revenue to support local entrepreneurs in their target markets, outperform their peers, are already listed on several platforms, and plans to be a $1 billion fund by 2019.